Famed eagles from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Eagle Cam are at it again.
The activity shared a video on its Twitter page and joked that the eagle people "needs you to stop scrolling and watch as they produce their branch manager duties."
In the video, you'll see a bald eagle land in a great nest while holding a stick in its talons. Together, the two nesting eagles work together to move the stick to its grisly place.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife said the eagles are pulling ready for their new nesting season, which happens in the fall and in early winter when the eagles bring in sticks and produce nests. Mating season is from December to February, and eggs hatch near mid-March.
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"Two eggs were recently laid and there's already been drama with spanking eagle who was possibly trying to take over the nest," Fish and Wildlife quipped on Twitter.
For the noble 12 weeks, the young eagles grow "incredibly fast" by they first leave the nest in mid-June. They consume the summer months near the river with their parents to practice fishing and hunting. By fall, they're on their own.
(US Fish and Wildlife)
The eagle cam and nest are located near 75 miles northwest of Washington, D.C. on the campus of Fish and Wildlife's National Conservation Training Center. The campus is near Shepherdstown, in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia, about a quarter mile from the Potomac River.
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A pair of American bald eagles began interpretation the nest in 2003 near the top of a stout sycamore tree, according to Fish and Wildlife. The conservation center installed its noble eagle cam in fall 2005 and started streaming nesting seasons in 2006.
The cam hastily gained a largely online following from people who were "amazed to recognize the eagles raise their young each season."